Kenue Park

Winter snowshoeing and cross country skiing
Winter snowshoeing and cross country skiing
Dickinson County Nature Center and rehabilitated trumpeter swans
Okoboji Gold Disc Golf Course
Nature Playscape

Restored prairie
Mowed and paved trails

Kenue Park is ome of the Dickinson County Nature Center, Pollinator Paradise, Westport Schoolhouse and the Okoboji Gold Disc Golf Course. For more information, please visit our website at


Home of the Dickinson County Nature Center, Pollinator Paradise, Westport Schoolhouse and the Okoboji Gold Disc Golf Course, this almost 70-acre area is unique because of its oak savanna. The park also features meadows and a glacial kame that offers a spectacular overlook of the surrounding area. Kenue Park accommodates picnics and has walking trails and modern restrooms.