Emerald Ash Borer and YOU!
Emerald Ash Borer and YOU. What should you be doing when
you visit your local park?
Buy local, burn local!
OK, Emerald Ash Borer has arrived in Iowa. Also referred
to as EAB it promises to have a disturbingly wide spread impact in our state.
This pest has been wrecking havoc over the upper midwest for a number of years
but has only in recent years popped up in Iowa.
It is anticipated that over time many of the ash trees in
Iowa will be killed by EAB. This will have a significant effect in our towns
and parks.
Do your part to slow the spread of this pest. Transport of firewood is of great concern as it
will move the pest rapidly through the state. Please do your part by buying
firewood locally and burning it locally. Do not carry firewood from one county to
When you visit Otter Creek Lake and Park we ask that only
firewood harvested in Tama County be brought into and burned in the park. Buy
local, burn local.
Also, if you are bringing
firewood with you to the park it must be labeled with a receipt. The receipt
must state it is for firewood, approximated amount being carried, name and
address of the harvester, price, and county and state of harvest.
buy local, and burn local.
Finally, at Otter Creek
Lake and Park we have lots of dead trees down on the ground from the wind storm
of July, 2011. At the park you may cut up firewood from any tree dead and down on
the ground for use to burn at the park only. You cannot take any firewood cut
at the park home with you.
Have a fun and safe
summer season and always remember to
buy local, and burn local. Do not bring firewood from another
county or part of the state.