Bat House Workshop
Hurstville Interpretive Center, Jackson County
Sunday, August 25, 2024
Bat House Workshop
Sunday, August 25 at 2:00 PM at the Hurstville Interpretive Center
Registration is required online at
Register by August 22 or while supplies last.
Bats are an important part of a functioning ecosystem, and with natural habitats in decline they need our help. You can welcome bats in your very own backyard by providing food, water, and shelter – creating bat habitat in even the smallest of spaces. In return, insectivorous bats will eat many of your unwanted yard and garden pests. In addition to pest control, you can simply enjoy their nightly displays of aerial acrobatics.
You might be surprised: bats don't always live in caves. A bat house is a great way to provide shelter for bats, especially as a summer roost. Materials and instruction will be provided at this workshop.
Youth must be accompanied by an adult.
Cost is $30 per bat house kit (not per person). Bring a cordless drill.
For questions or registration, contact Jessica Wagner at or (563) 652-3783.