Once in a Blue Moon Hike

Heery Woods State Park - North Side, Butler County

Monday, August 23, 2021

The August full moon is known as a seasonal Blue Moon. We will be leading a hike through the woodland and prairie at Heery Woods State Park - North. We will meet at the shelter near the boat ramp at 8:30 PM (about 1/2 hour before the moon rises). After a short discussion about the full and blue moon, we will take a hike by the light of the moon with discussions and activities along the way. This is a walk that is suitable for all ages - as long as they can stay up that late. Since the full moon arrives on a Monday, that is when we will hike. Dress for the weather and trail conditions, and bring a flashlight if you would like. We will have some available for those that do not have them. Note: Registration is requested, but walk ins are also welcome to join.

To Register

Registration is no longer available


Once in a Blue Moon Hike


Monday, August 23, 2021
8:30 PM - 10:00 PM


Heery Woods State Park North Side Shelter
19195 Highway 188
Clarksville, IA 50619
319-278-4237 butlernaturalist@butler-bremer.com
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