Summer Assistant Naturalist
Clarksville ,Iowa
$11.00 - $13.00
The Seasonal Assistant Naturalist is sponsored by the Butler County Conservation Board and
is based at Allan and Fayette Meyer Nature Center. The seasonal naturalist is under the supervision of the Butler
County Conservation Board Naturalist. This program seeks to develop the seasonal naturalist's practical skills in
environmental education and interpretation, to stimulate personal growth and development, and to
increase the background and interest in environmental education, natural history, ecology and conservation of natural
resources. The seasonal naturalist will receive valuable, practical experience and continuing
education during employment.
The seasonal assistant naturalist will assist the Butler County Naturalist with developing, planning, organizing and presenting environmental education and outdoor recreation programs. The seasonal naturalist will also help with special events for the public, schools and other community
groups. The seasonal naturalist will work the equivalent of a full-time assignment on a flexible weekly
Other major duties include:
- Planning, assisting and leading summer day camps
- Designing interpretive and promotional materials
– Digital media skills (social media, website development, video editing, etc)
- Create and improve displays at Allan and Fayette Meyer Nature Center
- Writing newsletter articles and press releases
- Nature Center maintenance and animal care
- Develop at least one new educational activity and one interpretive exhibit or other teaching aid for permanent use in the Butler County Conservation Board environmental education program
- Other projects and duties may include nature center host, resource management activities, professional development opportunities, radio interviews, etc.
Must be at least 18 years of age, have a valid driver's license, and have good customer service skills.
To Apply
Send Resume, Cover Letter and 3 references to Matt Morris; at Director or Butler County Conservation Board, 27887 195th Street, Clarksville, IA 50619.
For more information call 319-346-6551.