Wolter's Prairie Preserve

Forty acres in size, Wolter's Prairie Preserve is a wet prairie area containing a variety of native plants.  Flowers such as Shooting Star, Hoary Puccoon, Lead Plant, Rattlesnake Master, Compass Plant, Purple Coneflower and Black-eyed Susan give the prairie color from spring through fall while Big Bluestem, Indian Grass, Switchgrass, and Prairie Cordage wave in the summer breeze. 


Wolter's Prairie Preserve is located1.5 miles southwest of Clarksville, just north of 195th Street at 19155 Quail Avenue.


  • Native Prairie Plants

Operating Hours & Seasons

Wolter's Prairie Preserve is open from 7:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. daily, except during Iowa hunting seasons.


Wolter's Prairie Preserve is a wildlife refuge and closed to the public during Iowa hunting seasons.