Rich Smith Wildlife Habitat Area

The Rich Smith Wildlife Habitat Area is under contract for acquisition of this property by the Ida County Conservation Board. As of Sept 1st, the area is open to public hunting due to permission from the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation.  

The Smith property was 45% funded by the Iowa DNR Wildlife Habitat Stamp Grant. Use of the property will comply with state regulations. The property will stay in habitat for the perpetuity of time, with no public use facilities permitted to be constructed on site. 

A hunter must purchase the Wildlife Habitat Stamp to legally hunt in the state of Iowa. This property is partially funded by hunters or individuals who purchase the habitat stamp. Only non-invasive recreation is permitted to protect the integrity of the habitat. 

More updates will be posted on this website. Call the office at (712)364-3300 if you have questions. 


South of Battle Creek, Iowa. West of Crawford Creek Recreation Area, on Carriage Ave. 


Public Hunting and Wildlife Habitat Area.

Operating Hours & Seasons

State Regulations apply. 


Dogs are not permitted on the property from March 15th-July 15th to protect ground nesting birds. 

No Horseback riding. 

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