O.W.L.S. - Older Wiser Livelier Seniors - Mussels of Iowa

JAN 17 2025 10:30 AM

Wickiup Hill Learning Center , Linn County

Event Summary

Don Ohde is a retired Biology Major, who has been chasing mussels since he took a canoe trip with a Mussel Biologist in 2016.  That trip started an interest which has led Don to learn more about mussels through mussel surveys and more. As a serious amateur photographer and excited citizen scientist - Don has been recording threatened, endangered and unusual wildlife and more.  We will learn and experience what mussel surveys have revealed and what the future of mussels look like in Iowa and the region.  Hands on presentation with shells and much more! 

Free, but you can save a spot by signing up or just show up!  When we wrap up you may wish to hang around and bring a sack lunch to enjoy with your new acquaintances.  This is a new adventure for us, we hope it catches on!

