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Turn On Location ServicesDEC 19, 2023
This property is open to general public for regular park uses including hiking, bird watching and nature studies. Along with hunting of pheasant, deer and turkey read on for more information on hunting at this location.
This 92-acre addition to Oak Grove Park has been opened as a public hunting area. However, we do have some stipulations in place for hunting. Game species available to hunt on this property include pheasant, deer, and turkey. Below is further information on each option. This space is also open and available to everyone to explore, hike, bird watch and other outdoor activities throughout the year.
Pheasant hunting- Max of eight persons in hunting group, regardless of age, are allowed per permit. Limited to two hunts per pheasant hunting season per person. Must have obtained a special use permit by filling out form online. Must print a copy for each vehicle dashboard present during time of hunt. Dates are limited to Friday- Monday. There will be no pheasant hunting allowed Tuesday- Thursday unless the following holiday’s land on these days. Veterans’ Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Years Day. Hunting for this location has a fee of $10, with a $4 convenience fee.
Deer Hunting- is primitive weapons only (bow and muzzle loader). There is no party hunting, pushing, or driving of deer.
Turkey Hunting- must obey all state laws no restrictions on method of take.
All game hunting requires appropriate licensing, tags, and permits.
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