Rules and Regulation

The following portions of the State Code entitled “Conservation and Public Parks” apply to County Parks.
461A.35 Prohibited Destructive Acts. It shall be unlawful for any person to use, enjoy the privileges of, destroy, injure or deface plant life, trees, buildings, or other natural or material property, or to construct or operate for private or commercial purposes any structure, or to remove any plant life, tree, buildings, sand, gravel, ice, earth, stone, wood or other natural material, or to operate vehicles within the boundaries of any State park, preserve, or stream, or any other lands or waters under the jurisdiction of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for any purpose whatsoever, except upon the terms, conditions, limitations and restrictions as set forth by the DNR.

461A.36 Speed Limit. The maximum speed limit of all vehicles on State park and preserve drives, roads and highways shall be 35 miles per hour. All driving shall be confined to designated roadways. Whenever the DNR shall determine that the speed limit herein before set forth is greater than is reasonable or safe under the conditions found to exist at any place of congestion or upon any part of the park roads, drive, or highways, said DNR shall determine and declare a reasonable and safe speed limit thereat which shall be effective when appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected at such places of congestion or other parts of park roads, drives, or highways. (In addition to speed limit provision provided for in this Section of the Iowa Code, the Conservation Board may, at its discretion, establish other speed limits under the authority of 321.236 of the Code of Iowa. Using the authority provided for in the State Traffic Code, the Conservation Board has established a universal 10 mph speed limit on all County park roads and drives, unless otherwise designated by official signs.)

461A.37 Excessive Loads. Excessively loaded vehicles shall not operate over State park or preserve drives, roads or highways. The determination as to whether the load is excessive will be made by the DNR Director or his representative, and will depend on the load and road conditions.

461A.38 Parking. All vehicles shall be parked in designated areas, and no vehicle shall be left unattended on any State park or preserve drive, road, or highway; except in the case of an emergency.

461A.39 Hitching to Trees. No horse or other animal shall be hitched or tied to any tree or shrub, or in such a manner as to result in injury to State property.

461A.40 Fires. No fires shall be built, except in a place provided thereof, and such fire shall be extinguished when site is vacated unless it is immediately used by some other party.

461A.41 Prohibited Acts Removing Plants, Flowers or Fruit. No person shall, in any manner remove, destroy, injure or deface any tree shrub, plant or flower, or the fruit thereof, or disturb or injure any structure of natural attraction, except that upon written permission of the DNR certain specimens may be removed for scientific purposes. (See Sec. 11 of DCCB Rules)

461A.42 Use of Firearms Prohibited Exceptions. The use by the public of firearms, fireworks, explosives, and weapons of all kinds is prohibited in all State parks and preserves except preserves or portions of preserves designated as hunting areas by the State Advisory Board on preserves at the request of the DNR. However, any person may use a bow and arrow with attached bow fishing reel and 90# minimum line attached to the arrow to take rough fish under the rules and regulations prescribed by the DNR. (See Sec. 4 of DCCB Rules for Exceptions)

461A43 Littering Grounds. No person shall place any waste, refuse, litter or foreign substance in any area or receptacle except those provided for that purpose.

461A.44 Prohibited Areas. No person shall enter upon portions of any state park or preserve in disregard of official signs forbidding same, except by permission of the DNR Director or his/her representative.

461A.45 Animal on Leash. No privately owned animal shall be allowed to run at large in any state park or preserve or upon lands or in waters owned by or under the jurisdiction of the DNR except by permission of the DNR. Every such animal shall be deemed running at large unless the owner carries such animal or leads it by a leash or chain not exceeding six feet in length, or keeps it confined in or attached to a vehicle. (See Sec. 5 of DCCB Rules for exceptions.)

461A.46 Closing Time. Except by arrangement or permission granted by the Director or his/her representative, all persons shall vacate state parks and preserves before 10:30PM. Areas may be closed at an earlier or later hour, of which notice shall be given by proper signs or instructions. The provisions of this section shall not apply to authorized camping in areas provided for that purpose.

461A.47 Camping. The DNR is hereby authorized to fix fees for camping and other special privileges which shall be in such amounts as may be determined by the DNR upon a basis of the cost of providing and reasonable value of such privileges.

461A.48 Camping Areas. No person shall camp in any portion of a state park or preserve except in portions prescribed or designated by the DNR.

461A.49 Time Limit. No camping unit shall be permitted to camp for a period longer than that designated by the DNR for the specific state park or preserve, and in no event longer than for a period of two weeks.

461A.50 Registering-Vacating. Any person who camps in any state park or preserve shall register with his or her name and address with the park custodian and advise the custodian when the camp is vacated.

461A.51 Camping Refused. Custodians are given the authority to refuse camping privileges and to rescind any and all camping permits for cause.

461A.52 Agreement with DNR. No person shall remove any ice, sand, gravel, stone, wood, or other natural material from any lands or waters under the jurisdiction of the DNR without first entering into agreement with the DNR.

461A.53 Permits. The DNR may enter into agreements for the removal of ice, sand, gravel, stone, wood, or other natural material from the lands or waters under the jurisdiction of the DNR it, after investigation, it is determined such removal will not be detrimental to the state’s interest. The DNR may specify the terms and consideration under which such removal is permitted and issue written permits for such removal.

461A.54 Barriers on Ice Field. Any person removing ice under a permit shall erect barriers on any part of any ice field where ice is cut, where said field crosses or traverses any part of a stream or lake that is used as a way of passage.
461A .55 Dredging. In removing sand, gravel, or other material from state-owned waters by dredging, the operator shall so arrange the operator’s equipment that other users of the lake or stream shall not be endangered by cables anchors, or any concealed equipment. No waste material shall be left in the water in such a manner as to endanger other craft or to change the course of any stream.

461A.56 Disturbing Natural Bank. Where operations are entirely on private property adjacent to a public lake or stream the natural bank between the state and privately owned areas shall not be removed except by permission of the DNR.

461A.57 Penalties. Any person violating any of the provisions of section 461A.35 to 461A.56 and section 461A.85 is guilty of a simple misdemeanor.

350.5 Regulations-Officers. The county conservation board may make, alter, amend or repeal regulations for the protection, regulation and control of museums, parks, preserves, parkways, playgrounds, recreation centers, and other property under its control. The regulations shall not be contrary to or inconsistent with the laws of this state. The regulations shall not take effect until 10 days after their adoption by the board and after their publication once a week for 2 weeks in at least 1 paper circulating in the county and after a copy of the regulations has been posted near each gate or principle entrance to the public ground to which they apply. After the publication and posting, a person violating a provision of the regulations which are then in effect is guilty of a simple misdemeanor. The board may designate the director and those employees as the director may designate as police officers who shall have all the powers conferred by law on police officers, peace officers, or sheriffs in the enforcement of the laws of this state and the apprehension of violators.

350.10 Statutes Applicable. Sections 461A.35 through 461A.57, inclusive, apply to all lands and waters under the control of county conservation boards in the same manner as if such lands and waters were state parks, lands, or waters. However sections 461A.35 through 461A.57 may be modified or superseded by regulations adopted as provided in section 350.5.

SECTION 1 DEFINITIONS. Pursuant to the authority of Chapter 350.5 of the Code of Iowa, the Dubuque County Conservation Board, Iowa, hereby promulgates and places into effect the following regulations. The following terms, as used in these regulations, shall for the purpose of these regulations have the meanings assigned hereto, unless a different meaning is clearly indicated. Some definitions may also be found in the Code of Iowa.
The term “Board” shall mean the Dubuque County Conservation Board, Iowa
The term “Department” shall mean the Department of Conservation, Dubuque, Iowa.
The term “Director” shall mean the Executive Director for the Dubuque County Conservation Board and the Department of Conservation.
The term “area” shall mean all or part of the land and/or water owned, leased, managed or by other means under the control of the Board.
The term “authorized representative” shall include Park Rangers, Park Attendants, Park Custodians, and other persons designated from time to time by the Director.
The term “special use permit” shall mean any use permit, issued by the Department, pursuant to authority delegated by the Board, and signed by the Director or his/her designated authorized representative in the matter.
The term “camp” or “camping” shall mean the use of a shelter such as a tent, trailer, motor home, tarp, or sleeping bag for temporary residence at a campground.
The term “campground” shall mean any area designated by the Board for camping.
The term “campsite” shall mean a segment of a campground designated by the Board for camping by a camping unit or camping party.
The term “camping unit” shall mean either a single tent no larger than 144 sq. ft. in size at its base, pickup camper, motor home, or van or converted bus, recreation trailer, used for a camp by a camping party, except those shelters used exclusively for dining purposes, plus, at the option of said camping party, a second tent no larger than 144 sq. ft. at its base if same is used and occupied by members of that same camping party.
The term “camping party” shall mean any individual, family or informal unorganized group of not more than 6 persons occupying one campsite.
The term “family” shall mean a parent or parents with their unmarried children and not more than 2 other lineal relatives or not more than 2 minor guests.
The term “youth group” shall mean any group consisting of minor members of an established organization and under the leadership of at least one competent, mature adult for each 8 minors in the group and using any number of camping units.
The term “charter group” shall mean any group of adults consisting of members of an established chartered organization with by-laws.
The term “capacity” shall mean the maximum number of camping parties or camping units that the Board, Director, or his authorized representatives shall from time to time determine may occupy an area, campground, or campsite.
The term “official signs” shall mean signs provided for in the Iowa State Highway Commission Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices or Iowa Streets and Highways, and other signs designated from time to time by the Board.
The term “noise” shall mean any loud, confused or senseless shouting or outcry; a sound lacking in agreeable musical quality or which is noticeably unpleasant or excessively loud as to disturb others and merit complaints.

Fees or charges made for services or for the use of land, facilities, equipment, materials or supplies on any area to be collected by the Department or authorized concessionaires, shall be prescribed and approved by the Board.
It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to enter or use any areas or facilities, for which entrance fees or user fees are prescribed, without payment of same; in advance, except those persons on official business or authorized by special use permits issued by the Board.

SECTION 4 USE OF FIREARMS-EXCEPTIONS. Section 461A.42 of the Code of Iowa is hereby modified under the authority of Section 350.10 of the Code of Iowa as follows: It shall be lawful to hunt or pursue game birds, game animals, or furbearers in all areas designated from time to time as hunting areas by the Board. The Department shall post all such areas with official signs to constructively notify the public that this activity is lawful. The possession or discharge of firearms for any other reason than the take of or attempting to take game birds, game animals or furbearers is prohibited. All State hunting codes must be followed. It shall be lawful to use or carry firearms in designated hunting areas by the Board from August 15 to May 31, inclusive. Upon directors approval, Board facilities and areas may be used for educational purposes that involves the display and handling of firearms.

SECTION 5 ANIMALS ON LEASH-EXCEPTIONS. Section 461A.45 of the Code of Iowa is hereby modified under authority of Section 350.10 of the Code of Iowa as follows: It shall be lawful to permit dogs to run at large during participation in hunting activities in all areas designated from time to time as hunting areas by the Board. This Section applies only during the time as stipulated in Section 4 above.

SECTION 6 HUNTING RESTRICTED. It shall be unlawful to hunt, pursue, or in any manner molest any birds or wild animals or to use or carry firearms, fireworks, explosives, and weapons of all kinds, except as otherwise provided by law, in or on any area not designated as a hunting area by the Board.

It shall be unlawful for any person to use or possess any paintball equipment or laser devices on all areas under the jurisdiction of the Board.

Violation of any State law or County park rule or regulation by any member of a camping party is cause for revocation of the camping permit and the entire camping party shall be required to leave the area.
Campsite may not be reserved except where posted. Reservations for campsites must be completed on-line. Camping reservations will not be accepted by any other means.
When campgrounds are open, all charges and fees shall be in effect and shall be enforced as set forth in the official fee schedule approved by the Board. Campgrounds will be open from April 15 through October 31. The Board or its authorized representatives have the discretionary authority to extend or shorten the camping season when it is in the best public interest or the best interest of the campground to do so. All campers must self-register with in 30 minutes of set-up on a camp-site. A site is considered occupied only when the camping unit is on the campsite, the fee has been paid, registration completed and placed in depository.
No camping party or camping unit of any kind shall occupy any campground for more than 14 consecutive days. A camper who has removed his/her equipment for a 24 hour period may re-occupy a campsite in the same campground for an additional 14 days with the permission of the Director or his authorized representative. On all parks or areas with more than 1 campground , this shall apply to the entire area and all campgrounds in the area.
A member of the registered camping party shall occupy each campsite or camping unit on the first night of the camping period and no campsite or camping unit shall be left unoccupied by the camping party for more than 24 hours thereafter without the permission of the Director or his authorized representative, for the 5 days preceding Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day, campsites once occupied cannot be abandoned for any period of time without the permission of the Director or his authorized representative.
It shall be unlawful to camp in any campground without a portable shelter or camping unit as defined in Section 1.
It shall be unlawful to park any motor vehicle outside the parking area designated at each campsite, and not more than 2 licensed vehicles are permitted at any campsite. Only properly licensed motor vehicles may be used to gain access to campgrounds. Licensed vehicles must be operated only by licensed drivers.
All campers shall maintain quiet and avoid excessive noise in the campground between the hours of 10:30 pm and 6:00 am. “Excessive noise” means any loud, confused or senseless shouting or outcry; a sound lacking in agreeable musical quality or which is noticeably unpleasant. “Excessive noise” shall include unnecessary, loud, raucous, or annoying sounds which interfere with the quiet enjoyment of the park, campground, or preserve by other users. Any person who continues to cause excessive noise after being requested to cease by a ranger or attendant shall be guilty of a simple misdemeanor and shall be subject to immediate removal from the park.
Any person (s) visiting a camping party in a campground must park only in designated areas and must vacate the campground and parking area by 10:30pm
No camping party shall set up or take down their camping equipment between the hours of 10:30 pm and 6 am
It shall be unlawful for any person to obtain a camping permit for use by a camping party of which they are not a member. Persons under the age of 18 will not be allowed to camp alone or in an unorganized camping group unless they are accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
Campers shall restore their campsite to the same approximate condition or better than when they first occupied it.
Checkout time in all campgrounds is 2:00pm. However, recognizing that some campers may need to be granted some leeway in this matter, the Director or his authorized representative has the authority to extend the checkout time to 8 pm. A camping party must request this late checkout authorization.
A charge of the daily rate for the campground and campsite (s) involved will be made for occupying any campsite for any portion of the camping day. The term “camping day” shall mean a period or any portion of that period of time from 3:00 pm of one day to the established checkout time for the following day.
No camping is permitted in Conservation Board areas designated as public hunting areas without written permission of the Board or the Director.

SECTION 8 NOISE PRODUCING DEVICES. It shall be unlawful to operate or use any radio, television, stereo, musical instrument, electrical generating units, power saws, or similar equipment in or on any areas in such a manner as to create excessive noise and/or disturb others. Said equipment shall under no circumstances be used between the hours of 10:30 pm and 7:00 am unless confined to a camping unit where it will not disturb others. This section also applies to senseless shouting,  loud laughter, and voices.

SECTION 9 USE OF CHAINSAWS. It shall be unlawful to use chainsaws except for cutting firewood brought to an area; in any area under the jurisdiction of the Board. Said use must comply with the provisions of Section 7H and 8.

SECTION 10 CUTTING OF TREES PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to cut any standing trees; dead or alive, at any time in or on any Board area. County personnel, foresters, and utility companies my harvest trees under a forestry management plan, in the interest of public safety, or with the written permission of the Board.

SECTION 11 PICKING OF PLANTS, FLOWERS, AND FRUITS-EXCEPTIONS. It shall be lawful to collect the fruit of all nut and berry producing plants for home use provided the collector is not otherwise damaging the parent plant. Collection of nuts and fruits for any commercial purpose is expressly prohibited. Mushrooms may also be collected for home use. No collecting of fruits, nuts or mushrooms shall be allowed on the Swiss Valley Nature Preserve, IPC Forest Preserve, or Pohlman Prairie Preserve for any purpose.

SECTION 12 HUMAN POWERED WHEELED VEHICLE USE RESTRICTED. It shall be unlawful to operate any bicycle or other wheeled vehicle powered by human power on any area leased, managed, or owned by the Board; except that they may be operated in accordance with the Code of Iowa on all designated roadways and parking lots under the jurisdiction of the Board and on the surfaced trail section of the Heritage Trail multi-use recreation trail, unless otherwise posted. This section does not prohibit persons with disabilities using wheelchairs from accessing areas under the jurisdiction of the Board.

SECTION 13 PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEMS RESTRICTED. It shall be unlawful to operate or use any public address system, whether fixed, portable, or vehicle mounted in or on any area except where such use or operation has been approved in writing by the Board, Director, or his authorized representative.

SECTION 14 RADIO, TELEVISION, OR TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT RESTRICTED. It shall be unlawful to install aerial or special radio, telephone, or television equipment in or on any Board area without the written approval of the Board, Director, or his authorized representative.

SECTION 15 RECREATIONAL USES ONLY ALLOWED. It shall be unlawful for any person to occupy any portion of a Board area for washing, repairing vehicles; advertising or political campaigning; hawking or peddling; begging; or carrying on of a business or any other commercial activity. Concessionaires acting under the authority of, or lease or contract with the Board are exempt from this section while operating under the conditions as set out in the said lease or contract.

SECTION 15.1 PUBLIC URINATION AND DEFECATION PROHIBITED. Public urination and defecation is prohibited in any place other than the designated toilet facilities on all areas under the jurisdiction of the Board.

SECTION 16 ATV’S AND SNOWMOBILES RESTRICTED. It shall be unlawful to operate any snowmobile, tote bike, air sled, swamp buggy, all terrain vehicle, or any other land conveyance propelled by a gasoline or electric engine and run on wheels, tracks, or runners in or on any Board area; except snowmobiles may be used along designated sections of the Heritage Trail in accordance with the laws stated in Chapter 321G of the Code of Iowa and the following Special Trail Regulations:
Snowmobiling is authorized on the Heritage Trail in designated areas only; marked by official signs. Snow cover must be 4 inches or more for the Trail to be open to snowmobiles. Rubber-tired vehicles (2, 3, 4 or more wheels) are not defined as snowmobiles for the purposes of this Section and are not permitted to use the Trail. Speed limit for snowmobiles is 5 mph from Rupp Hollow Road to Clay Hill Road and 25 mph on the rest of the Trail. Hours of use for snowmobiles runs from sunrise to 10:30pm each day.

SECTION 17 USE OF MOTOR VEHICLES RESTRICTED. Operation of any motorized vehicle shall be restricted to designated roadways and parking areas on or in all Board areas. All motorized vehicles are prohibited on the Heritage Trail with the following exceptions:
Emergency Vehicles (fire, police, sheriff, State patrol, State, County and Federal conservation officers)
Vehicles used for work by the Conservation Board staff.
Vehicles carrying a written and dated authorization from the Board.
Snowmobiles; in areas specifically posted for snowmobiling in accordance with Section 16.

SECTION 18 USE OF HORSES RESTRICTED. It shall be unlawful to ride, lead or otherwise allow entry of horses or horse drawn wagons on any road, trail, or any Conservation Board area, unless written permission is obtained from the Board or Director or designated representative.

SECTION 19 TRAPPING RESTRICTED. It shall be unlawful to trap or attempt to trap by any means any birds or wild animals on or in any Board area that is not designated as a public hunting area. Those areas designated as public hunting areas will be open to trapping during the regular trapping seasons as set up by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

SECTION 20 RESERVING PARK FACILITIES. It shall be unlawful for a minor to reserve a park facility. When a group consists of minors or adults, a ratio of at least one adult for each eight minors must be maintained. Park pavilions may be reserved in advance and a user fee must be paid for use of any pavilions designated as “reservation required”. Campsites may be reserved on-line only. Reservable campsites will be posted in Conservation Board campgrounds.

SECTION 21 HERITAGE TRAIL SPECIAL RULES. Snowmobiles, bicyclists, and authorized vehicles on the Trail must yield to persons on foot on the trail. Each person age 16 and over; using the Trail or Trail facilities (parking, restrooms, stream fishing, etc.) must hold an admission pass valid for the day or year of use. Trail admission cards are not required for the use of Heritage Pond and its parking lot (s).

SECTION 22 DOMESTIC REFUSE NOT PERMITTED. It shall be unlawful to transport garbage, refuse, or litter from any household, business, or any other place for the purpose of disposing it in or on any areas of the Board or their litter containers provided for the use of the Board and its current facility users.

SECTION 23 OFFICIAL SIGNS. It shall be unlawful for any person to enter, use, or occupy any Board area or facility in disregard of official signs.

SECTION 24 POSSESSION AND CONSUMPTION OF BEER. It shall be unlawful to possess or consume beer, as defined by the Code of Iowa; between the hours of 10:30 pm and 6:00 am in or on any Board area, except that beer may be possessed and consumed within a camping unit. Any beer possessed or consumed in violation of this rule will be confiscated by the Director or his authorized representative, and destroyed.

SECTION 24.1 POSSESSION AND CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL OTHER THAN BEER. It shall be unlawful to possess or consume any alcohol other than beer in or on any Board area. Any alcohol other than beer possessed or consumed in violation of this section will be confiscated by the Director or his authorized representative, and destroyed.
SECTION 24.2 CONTAINER SIZE REGULATED. No person or group shall bring, use, or have in his/her or their possession in or on any Board area, beer in a keg or any container larger than one liter. Violation of this section will result in a citation and confiscation and destruction of said container.
SECTION 25 CLOSING TIME. All areas of the Board shall be closed to public use between the hours of 10:30 pm and 6:00 am unless otherwise specified by the Board, in which case signs will be erected giving the public constructive notice of such change. The Director or his authorized representative may issue special use permits in conformity with the Board Policy which, when issued, shall allow groups or persons to observe other hours. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to authorized camping by registered campers in designated camping areas. Board areas posted as preserves shall be open to the public from sunrise to sunset. (see Section 16 for exceptions) Board areas posted as public hunting areas shall be open to the public from 4:30 AM to 10:30 PM.

SECTION 26 NO WAKE REGULATIONS. Boat operators shall observe no wake regulations in harbors and areas adjoining ramps, gas docks, and in other designated areas so marked by official signs, under the jurisdiction of the Board.

SECTION 26.1 BOAT LAUNCHING. Boats shall launch from designated boat ramps only. Boats and trailers shall be parked in designated areas only.

SECTION 26.2 LEASED BOAT SLIP MOORING. Leased boat slip mooring is only allowed with valid Boat Slip Contract with the Board in designated areas of Massey Marina and Finley’s Landing. Arrangements for Leased Boat Slip Mooring must be made in advance with the Director or his authorized representative. Persons in violation of this Section will be subject to a citation and the boat will be removed and stored at the owner’s expense. If not reclaimed within 6 months of its removal, such water conveyance shall be considered abandoned and be disposed of as directed by the Board.

SECTION 26.3 BOATS UNATTENDED NOT PERMITTED. It shall be unlawful to leave unattended any boat or other form of water conveyance on or attached to any area under the control of the Board, except those areas designated for Leased Boat Slip Mooring, without the permission of the Director or his authorized representative. Any water conveyance left in violation hereof shall be subject to citation and shall be removed and stored at the owners expense, which expense shall not be less than $25. If not reclaimed within 6 months of its removal, such water conveyance shall be considered abandoned and shall be disposed of as directed by the Board.

SECTION 27 MOTOR VEHICLES UNATTENDED NOT PERMITTED. It shall be unlawful to leave any motor vehicle unattended on or in any area under the jurisdiction of the Board for more than 24 hours without the written permission of the Director or his authorized representative. Any motor vehicle left in violation hereof shall be removed and stored at the expense of its owner, which expense shall not be less than $25. If not reclaimed within 6 months of its removal, all such motor vehicles shall be considered abandoned and shall be disposed of as directed by the Board.

SECTION 28 BREACH OF PEACE. No person shall use threatening, insulting, abusive, profane or indecent language, nor be guilty of any act that constitutes a breach of peace, in any County park, preserve, or other public area under the jurisdiction of the Dubuque County Conservation Board.

SECTION 29 CLOSING OF AREAS TO PUBLIC USE. The Director or his authorized representative is hereby granted discretionary authority to close any park or any portion of any park or other Board area when a question of public safety exists. He/she may do so by the erection of suitable barriers clearly indicating that the area has been closed for public use. Persons removing these barriers or ignoring the signs and occupying the areas that have been closed to public use will be in violation of this section. The Director or his authorized representative is also authorized to develop effective methods of controlling special uses which are not provided for in these rules and regulations, but which are consistent with these rules and regulations and other policies of the Dubuque County Conservation Board.
Persons affected by these special uses will be notified in writing of the nature of these regulations or the area affected by these regulations will be posted, and will take immediate effect when so posted.
SECTION 29A SWIMMING PROHIBITED. As posted, swimming shall be prohibited in the County-owned pond located adjacent to the Heritage Trail at Rupp Hollow Road; officially named Heritage Pond.

SECTION 29.1 USE OF BOATS ON HERITAGE POND. Use of boats in or on Heritage Pond; located at the intersection of Rupp Hollow Road and hwy 52/3 N, and under the jurisdiction of the Dubuque County Conservation Board, shall be limited to registered non-motorized, manually propelled watercraft, or registered motorized vessels utilizing battery-operated electric trolling motors. All Iowa State Codes applying to the use of watercraft, and not in contradiction of the regulation hereby stated, shall apply to their use in or on Heritage Pond.

SECTION 30 GEOCACHING PERMITTED. Geo-caching activity may be allowed on Board areas with the approval of the director. A Geo-cache Placement Permit Application and Policy on Geo-caching must be completed and signed at the Conservation Board Office before Geo-cache can be placed on Board property. Unregistered geo-caches may be removed by the Director or authorized representative. Digging soil or disturbance of rock to conceal geo-caches is prohibited.

SECTION 31 RAPELLING, ROCK-CLIMBING OR TOP ROPING. Rapelling, rock climbing, or top roping on rock cliffs and rock faces is prohibited in all Conservation Board areas.

SECTION 32 TARGET SHOOTING. Target shooting with any firearm or weapon is prohibited at all Conservation Board areas.

SECTION 33 EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS. The Department, its Supervisors, Park Rangers, Director, or duly authorized representatives or agents shall be exempt from these rules and regulations when in the official performance of their duties and not acting inconsistent with State Law.

SECTION 34 RULES AND REGULATIONS-FORCE AND EFFECT. These rules and regulations are separate and complete however separated, and should any part thereof be unenforceable for any reason, the remaining portions and sections shall remain in full force and effect. Under Chapter 350.5 of the Code of Iowa, any person violating any provision of the aforesaid rules and regulations shall be guilty of a simple misdemeanor. Upon conviction, said person shall be fined not more than $100 or be imprisoned for not more than 30 days.

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