Build Your Own Terrarium Workshop
APR 12 2025 10:00 AM
Event Summary
If you have ever wanted to build your own terrarium then this program is for you. We will supply you a container, gravel, soil, moss, plants, rocks, and sticks to get you started. If there are any little decorations that you would like to add, feel free to bring some along. We will explain the basics of how to build a terrarium and everyone can create their own masterpiece. There is a limit of 20 registrations for adults for this program as we have terrarium materials for 20. This is a joint program between the Hamilton County Conservation Board and the Iowa State Extension and Outreach Office of Webster City. To attend register and pay $20.00 per terrarium per adult online at www.mycountyparks.comIf you want to bring your kids to assist in making the terrarium that is fine. Contacts: John Laird, Conservation at 515-297-0423 jlaird@hamiltoncounty.orgSusan Schmitz, ISU Extension at 515-832-9597
Adults - $20.00