Environmental Education

The Jackson County Conservation environmental education staff are here to help you and your students, group, business, or organization learn more about Iowa's natural resources. Whether it be a program about a specific topic or a trip to a park, we are here to help you experience the outdoors and learn more about our natural world!

See bottom of page for education related documents (pdf)

Contact our Environmental Education Staff!

Offices at the Hurstville Interpretive Center, (563) 652-3783

Jessica Wagner, Environmental Education Coordinator, email

Macey Yaeger, Naturalist, email
Julila Rodewald, Naturalist, email
Dave Gossman, Physical Science Resource Specialist, email

Field Trips
Our staff can provide your students or group with a field trip that will allow them to explore woodlands, prairies, wetlands, natural resources, and our place in the natural world today. We welcome groups to the Hurstville Interpretive Center, Maquoketa Caves State Park, Prairie Creek Recreation AreaMillrock One-Room School, Hurstville Lime Kilns, Bellevue State Park, or any other park/site in Jackson County.

Outreach Programs

Our outreach programs bring the opportunity to investigate our relationship to the natural world without the hassle of scheduling a bus. We come to your classroom, center or other facility. We have programs about owls, swans, bats, endangered species, groundwater, animal adaptations, geology, and more. Outreach programs are provided for school, civic organizations, senior homes and youth organizations in Jackson County. A list of our in-school programs can be found at the bottom of this page. If you are looking for something not on this list, please ask - we have a lot more programs than are listed!

Public Programs
Public programs at the Hurstville Interpretive Center and other county sites offer residents and visitors of all ages the opportunity to learn new outdoor skills, marvel at and gain a better understanding of the natural world, and hear speakers with special knowledge in their field. Visit our Calendar of Events page to see what we have scheduled.

Iowa Junior Naturalist Program
The Iowa Junior Naturalist Program promotes awareness of natural and cultural resources of Iowa through a variety of programs aimed at children ages 6-12. See bottom of page for brochure and form to participate. 

Youth Groups

Boy scouts, girl scouts, 4-H, church, and other youth groups are invited out to the Hurstville Interpretive Center or other sites in Jackson County to learn more about our natural world. We can help you work towards merit badges, patches, and other projects. Let us know how our educators can help!

Civic Groups
Our staff members are available to speak to your group at the Hurstville Center or other site in the county. Give us a call to see how we can help your group. Our programs can be adapted for any age level. 

Our Environmental Education Staff are here to assist Jackson County residents and visitors in learning more about our environment. To schedule a program, special event, project or field trip, contact us at (563) 652-3783 or email

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