Eddyille Sand Dunes Prairie

Box Turtle Pond Eddyville Entrance Sign

Discover Eddyille Sand Dunes Prairie in Eddyville

This area consists of a patchwork of wind-blown sand, associated wetlands and woodland that are home to some of Iowa’s rarest plants and animals. The plant/animal inhabitants of the Eddyville Dunes represent one of the most complete, although fragile prairie communities in Iowa. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to find another place in Iowa where you can see as many different kinds of plants and animals as you can at the Eddyville Sand Prairie area. A great place to explore with field guides, camera, and binoculars. Open to bow hunting for deer and turkey only.

Features Available at Various Facilities

  • Carry in/carry out refuse
  • Picnic Table

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